Measuring the Impact of group coaching

It’s always important to measure the success and impact of a group coaching program. Today, we’re sharing some ideas for how you might do that. The key is to ensure that throughout the program, you are measuring your participants’ growth.

This will allow you to:

  • Reinforce the learning with the participants
  • Gather data to keep refining your program
  • Gain data to use in your marketing (e.g. X% satisfaction)
  • Prove the ROI of the program to decision-makers (for coaching within organizations)

How you might measure impact

Participants fill out:
  • Short self-assessment at the start of the group coaching program, focused on rating self in each of the program goals
  • Self-assessment reflection form requested after each group coaching session covering:
    • General satisfaction with the session
    • Coaching skills practice
    • Key learnings and actions to take
  • Mid-point survey covering
    • Progress on each of the group coaching program goals
    • Self-assessment on attitude towards the group
  • End of program final self-assessment and feedback survey
    • Same assessment as the one they took at the start of the program
    • Feedback that you can use to improve the program in the future.

Enjoy measuring the ROI of your group coaching program! The added advantage is that as you see the positive feedback rolling in, you’ll know you are giving value and will build your confidence!


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Group Coaching Program Price Calculator
This calculator will help you gain an objective view of the price you need to charge while including all the extra hours you'll spend on it in addition to coaching time.