Mapping Your Group Coaching Program’s Journey

The best way we’ve found to think about a group coaching program's journey, from the earliest stage of creation to ending, is to divide it in four phases. Remember that each person’s journey with you begins when they first hear about you, not when they sign up for your group coaching program.

Phase 1: The Origin Story

Before you begin a new group coaching program, you need to get to know your customer. That’s where research comes in. Who are they? Not generally. Get granular! Can you pinpoint the characteristics of an ideal customer who could benefit from your program?

If you’ve already ran tests or free workshops leading up to building your group coaching program that feature your target audience, consider doing qualitative and quantitative research to pinpoint what your customer wants from the experience, how they learn, and the structure or content of a program that would resonate with them.

Once you can answer essential questions about your customer that make sure you’re building a program based on what they really want - not what you hope they want - you can move on to communicating this program to your community.

Phase 2: Get The Word Out

Marketing. It can often feel like a rude word to utter when we’re talking about group coaching. Here is the thing: If you don’t tell anyone about your group coaching program, how can they possibly connect with you?

Make a plan for the methods you’ll use to market your group coaching greatness. Email? Social media? Referrals from previous clients? All of the above? How frequently will you share information? How far in advance do you want to start spreading the word? These are all important group coaching questions that will help you plan your marketing.

If you’re hoping to connect to a new or wider audience, consider avenues such as guest features or podcast appearances that could help you widen your reach.

We recommend you check out Group Coaching HQ's guest speaker Jason Van Orden’s conversation with us “How to fill your group coaching program with your ideal clients”, before you embark on the group coaching program journey.

Assembling Your Cohort & Finalizing Your Group Coaching Program

You’ve marketed your offerings - congrats!

Now you need to have an application process in place to help plan the group dynamics, logistics, and chemistry of your cohort. Make sure you organize a pre-registration call with each of your potential group members. It will ensure you’re creating a cohesive group. You can download our pre-registration call guide to help you with that. Connect one-on-one with your potential cohort and get to know them, take the time to create a relationship, and tell them about the group coaching program.

Remember to prep payment methods - especially anything like payment plans or scholarships - and blast them out through your chosen marketing channels.

Create logistical plans: Think about how often and the methods you’ll use to communicate with your group. At Group Coaching HQ, we use Mighty Networks for our resources and we mostly communicate through email. Make sure you think about a potential curriculum to use in between group coaching coaching sessions too!

Phase 3: Launch

You have a great group of people, and now the really fun work begins. As a part of building your curriculum and plan:

  • Create a Facilitator Guide for yourself so you can be clear on how you want to guide sessions and operate. In group coaching, you want to be flexible and ensure you coach the group’s agenda, not yours, however it might help you have a direction.
  • Create any material you’ll need for each session. Avoid slides or anything that might allow your group to tune in passively. Instead, what are some interactive ways to promote reflection or encourage peer coaching?

Phase 4: End the group

Your group is up and running, discoveries are being made, and you are creating opportunities for adventure and learning. Great! Continue to hold space for emotion, reflection, intentional learning and processing as you guide your group.

Encourage cohort members to reflect and learn with and from one another.

The end of a group is always a little sad and can be really hard on some members. Make sure you spend a lot of time:

  • Looking back
  • Looking forward
  • Sharing gratitude

Before the process ends, solicit feedback and testimonials from your group to help inform your own growth as you move forward.

Our last tip: Have fun!


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