Group Coaching Skills

Read our articles to learn about tools, ideas, activities, and more to help you run successful and impactful group coaching programs.

What Does a Group Coach Do? Understanding the Role, Process, and Techniques of Group Coaching

What Does a Group Coach Do? Understanding the Role, Process, and Techniques of Group Coaching

Discover the role of a group coach, the group coaching process, and how coaching techniques foster collective transformation in group coaching programs

Meeting Group Members Individually: A Key to Successful Group Coaching Programs

Meeting Group Members Individually: A Key to Successful Group Coaching Programs

Want to run a successful group coaching program? Meeting members individually before group coaching sessions helps create trust, set expectations, and enhance the group coaching process. Learn how to implement this strategy below.

What's your "why"​ for group coaching?

What's your "why"​ for group coaching?

Reflecting on your reasons for wanting to coach groups is the first action we encourage you to take to understand how to structure your group, price it and lead it.

What to do when a coaching group is quiet

What to do when a coaching group is quiet

Have you ever started a coaching session and realized that your group was, well… quiet? Noticeably so? Many group coaches have been there.

Trust the Group Coaching Process

Trust the Group Coaching Process

“Trust the Process” means trusting group members to be curious explorers who will carve a path to where they seek to go, without the coach leading the way.

What’s the difference? Spotlight on team and group coaching, facilitation, workshops and mastermind groups

What’s the difference? Spotlight on team and group coaching, facilitation, workshops and mastermind groups

Group coaching is often confused with team coaching, however the two practices are quite distinct. In this article we'll explore why.